• ©︎ Kaede Nishimura

2022.11.2 ー 12.4

Kaede Nishimura "born as myself"

We are delighted to present the exhibition “born as myself” by KG+Select 2022 Special Jury Prize winner Kaede Nishimura.

How well do people’s own experiences of themselves really match the gender into which they are categorized by the outside world? For the Japanese artist Kaede Nishimura, our true, natural gender identity is one that we discover for ourselves as part of our lived experience.

During the exhibition, DELTA’s walls are transformed into a womb before birth, dotted with portraits taken by Nishimura and printed on ultrasound paper. This experimental exhibition is an attempt at rebirth as one’s true self based on a gender identity that has been actively acquired and shaped rather than assigned before birth.


Kaede Nishimura

Kaede Nishimura (b. 1997), born and based in Osaka, is a Japanese artist working in the medium of photography. She graduated in Photographic Fine Art from the Japan Institute of Photography and Film.

In 2019, she received an Honorable Mention at the International Photography Awards for her series “trace.” In 2022, she won a KG+SELECT Special Jury Award for her series “born as myself.”